
No Labor Day

Labor Day was a rest day for me, a rare rest day that fell on a day off from work.  Days like that should be filled with laziness and relaxation, but they always end up being errand-running days.  But, Courtney and I did get out for a short walk to enjoy the weather and see if we could get some good pictures with the GoPro.  Here are some of our better shots...

We started on the Military Ridge and then headed down the Ice Age Trail a ways.

Good thing we play with cameras and not guns.  The consequences of accidentally shooting yourself aren't nearly as bad.

This picture says summer, but the temperature said fall - 67 degrees.

The Ice Age Trail.  This makes me want to go for a trail run.

Wetlands along the trail.

Another shot of the Ice Age Trail.  It's starting to look like fall. 

Even though I wanted warmer weather, it was a beautiful day. 

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