season has a turning point, sometimes several. Galveston was a turning
point. I signed up hoping it would serve as early season
motivation. It did, but motivation was higher after than before the race. Not ideal, but not the worst scenario either.
served as another indicating I was perhaps a little too motivated and pushing
too hard at times. The
week after Janesville was a recovery week, which means reduced training
volume. This week, however, meant severely reduced volume. It was
time to be smart. I
just put myself in the back of an ambulance at a sprint tri, for crying out
loud. Common sense prevailed and Monday through Friday saw only 5 hours
of training, half of it in the pool. The week included a lot of rest,
easy workouts and the VO2 Max test I won at the Janesville
Aquathon. It also included scouring the web searching for a sprint
tri. I was itching to race again.
found a race that Saturday in Steven’s Point, WI. I barely snuck into
pre-registration, which actually required a phone call. I’ve never
registered for a triathlon over the phone.
had to work Saturday morning so I was on my own. My first solo triathlon
in a couple of years. Who was going to carry my gear back to the car for
got up early Saturday morning and drove alone to Stevens Point concerned about
how my day might go. In the previous 5 days I’d logged more hours on the
couch than my bike. That’s unusual and not good for my confidence.
picked up my timing chip and number and set up transition and then headed out
for a warm up ride. I dropped my gear off at my car – turns out I am
capable of doing that myself – and pinned my car key to the inside of my tri
in the middle of one of the worst droughts in many years teaches you to ignore
the weather. I’d given it no consideration until my warm up. It was
a cool morning, in the low 70s, which was a nice change of pace. I like
the heat, but was getting tired of 100 degrees. My legs quickly loosened
up and then….rain? Sure enough, the skies were turning dark and it looked
like we might be racing in the rain.
rain felt good... really good. So did my legs.
returned to transition with confidence. I had to force myself to hold
back through my entire warm up and the roads were really nice. I was
anxious to return to the course. I finished setting up transition and
headed to the swim start.
swim. ¼ mile. 9:14
a lot to say, really. I fought my way into second place early on and
stayed there for the duration of the swim. There’s a long run from
the swim to transition so I tried something a little different and stopped to
take off my wetsuit right away rather than running in it to transition.
This worked well although I dropped one position doing this. I checked my
heart rate and it was in the low 170s. I thought about the things I’d
learned in my VO2 Max test and where my thresholds are. I opted to jog
slowly to transition to get my heart rate down.
This is where we came out of the water, a little sketchy but it worked. Yeah, the water was muddy. |
Long run to transition. |
passed the person who passed me while I took my wetsuit off so I started the
bike in second.
bike. 17 miles. 39:42. 25.7 mph.
was still raining lightly, which felt great. The roads were smooth and I
was ready to hammer. I’d been looking forward to getting back on the bike for a
while now. But as I stepped up the effort, my heart rate spiked.
What do I do? Should I listen to the advice given in my VO2 Max
test and keep my heart rate under my suggested caps or should I ignore heart
rate and ride only by power like I typically do?
opted to try something new and back off to get my heart rate down. It was
killing me because I felt strong and my power was much lower than I wanted.
But this was worth trying, I figured, and what was the worst that could
kept my heart rate just under my lactate threshold and a few miles in I was
able to step up the power a little. I could now see the leader and the
lead vehicle….a carrot. My legs still felt strong and this cap was
killing me.
was slowly reeling in the leader and an occasional look back indicated I had a
sizeable advantage over third. We were only about 5 miles in so there was
no need to panic.
continued to monitor my heart rate, which continued to
settle a little lower so I increased the power a little. I soon caught
the leader and moved into the lead. I’d never led a triathlon
before. Perhaps this was my day. I’ve been working toward an
overall win for several years now.
halfway through the bike, my heart rate settled down even more and I was able
to really start pushing the watts. I’d never felt this good at the
halfway point. The rain had stopped, but the roads were still wet.
300 watts felt good. So did chasing the lead vehicle.
course was flat and now that I was pushing hard, my speed often exceeded 30 mph
on the flats. This was fun. At times my average speed hit 26
mph. I had already decided I would return to this race next year.
These roads put Madison's to shame.
came into transition with about a 40 second lead.
run. 3.1 miles. 19:14. 6:12 pace.
running has been frustrating recently. In 2008, I ran a 6:20 pace at what
was only my fourth sprint tri. Lately, I’ve struggled to hold a 6:45 or
6:50 pace. In comparison, my bike is much stronger than my run so I often
put myself in a position to get passed on the run. Losing run speed makes
matters worse.
set out of T2 holding a comfortably hard pace. I wanted to push, needed
to push if I stood a chance of holding this lead, but also wanted to be smart
and pace myself. I gave it a minute before checking my watch for heart
rate and pace. Based on races earlier this year, I suspected I was
running a 6:50 pace. My watch said 6:20 and my heart rate was right where
I wanted it. Have my running legs decided to return? If so, the
timing couldn't be better. Time to push a little.
Leading a triathlon was a different experience. I was the one waking up all the volunteers as I came by. I dug deep and every time things got painful I reminded myself how long I've been working toward this. I wasn't about to lose this race because I didn't want to be uncomfortable for 20 minutes.
There was a small out and back around the two mile mark and I was able to get a split. I had around 40 seconds, but someone else was in second so I knew he was running me down. 40 seconds was a lot of time to make up in a mile, though.
With a half mile to go I took a wrong turn. There was a fork in the road with no course markings. I quickly realized my mistake and ran across a muddy field to get back on course. I later learned that second place did the same thing so I didn't lose any time, but was sure that was the mistake that was going to cost me the race.
I held on for my first overall win. It felt great. Finally.
Total time: 1:09:06
For my win I got a gift card to a local spa, which I gave to Courtney because she felt so bad for not being able to come along.
I drove home with renewed confidence and a lesson learned: I can take more rest than I'm used to. I won't lose my fitness in a couple of days.