I know it's probably a bad idea, signing up for a half ironman with a week and a half to prepare. I didn't know about this race until yesterday, and I'm really tempted to do this instead of Lake Mills next weekend.
For some reason, I'm not that excited about Lake Mills this year which is disappointing because I want to be excited about it. I know several people doing the race and I had a lot of fun last year. But I'm more excited about long course triathlons lately, probably because that's been the focus of my training so I feel like I'm losing that short course speed but gaining on long course speed/endurance.
My training has been hit or miss lately. I've had some killer workouts and some disappointing workouts. All in all I think my training has been going well, but at times I've lacked motivation. I'm hoping a big race like this might be exactly what I need to get me out of this rut and get me refocused on the goal - The Great Floridian. I haven't thought about the race in a long time. It feels very far away, but it's not really. The summer will go quickly and before I know it I'll be doing my last big workout and beginning my taper.
Plus I've been focusing on my running a lot this year and I want to see if that's paying off. I didn't run as well as I'd hoped at the April Du or the Beloit Biathlon so I'm hoping maybe I've exchanged some raw speed for endurance and maybe I can run a better half ironman than last year. It would be a good test of fitness. I could see where I'm at and use that to tailor my workouts for the next month as I prepare for Racine.
And nutrition...I screwed up my nutrition at Racine so it would be great to test it out prior to that race. I've only raced one half ironman so I've never tested my new nutrition plan at that distance.
So.....in less than one week I have to give them my decision on CT. If I say no, the unemployment clock starts ticking during one of the worst times in history to be unemployed.
Someone said to me the other day, 'you don't seem like the type of guy who lets his job define him.'
You know what, she's right. I'm not. I've been thinking a lot about this these days, and all I really have to say right now is that I love palm trees and hot summers. I'm tired of winter and snow and ice and windchill factors. I'm tired of waiting until May for spring.
I went swimming in Lake Wingra last night. It was cold, maybe upper 50s, but not unbearable. I swam about an hour, and it felt great to get out of the pool and into open water. It felt like summer.
It's officially race season. The Beloit Biathlon (it's really a duathlon - run/bike/run) is probably my favorite race of the year. Two years ago, it was my first multisport event ever. So far the weather has been good every year, and it has become the beginning of spring/race season for me. The grass is green, the trees have leaves, the weather is consistently warm....
...it's race season.
I have a few goals for the year, and goal number one was to win the Beloit Biathlon. Being my first ever multisport event, I wanted to win it. I thought it would be perfect too, because I've never won the overall so I figured it could be my first win as well.
Goal #1. Check.
Race Report
I was in the first heat, and I started out at the front. About a minute into the race, I checked my watch and realized (like the April Du) I was running a 5:45 pace. Oops. I backed off and quickly dropped back to 7th. I've raced enough duathlons now not to get bothered by that. Everyone goes out way too fast so patience is the key. Run your own race and it will all work out in the end. On the turnaround onto Huebbe Road, we got our first blast of the nasty winds that day (25 mph). We had a full on headwind, and it was rough. I checked my watch and realized I slowed down too much. My first mile was 6:20 and I was now running 6:35. I stepped it up, and moved into 2nd by the end of the run.
Run 1 = 11:44 - 6:23 pace
T1 was fast. I came out about one second in the lead, hopped on my bike and started hamering the bike right away.
T1 = 55 seconds
About a quarter mile into the bike, I looked back to see where second was and I could hardly see him. How long did it take him to get on his bike? I had a gap already...so I dropped the hammer. After Huebbe we had a nasty crosswind, and I kept my watts at about 320 and got tucked down as much as possible. I wanted to get out of sight so second place wouldn't have a rabbit to chase. After the crosswind, things got fun for a while - a tailwind. I kept my speed consistently above 30 mph and let my watts drop a bit so I wouldn't burn out.
The way back was tough with a strong headwind and crosswind and gusts that were blowing me all over the road. I had a hard time keeping my power consistent, and I started tucking down really low....really low. It helped me keep my speed up, but I think it hurt my power a bit since I was uncomfortable. I checked back a few times and couldn't see second place.
Bike = 26:21 23.6 mph 275 watts
T2 was pretty fast. I didn't hit the lap button in time so I think it was about 45 seconds.
As I came out on the second run, the race director yelled, "you have a gigantic lead" and gave me a high five. I was now running down Huebbe Road and I still couldn't see second place. I was feeling pretty good about being able to hold the lead. I struggled a bit on the run, partly because I had no one to chase, and wasn't able to run as fast as I had hoped. I had a comfortable lead, but I wanted to keep pushing hard to try to beat last year's time and make sure no one in heats 2, 3, or 4 beats my time because I let up thinking I had it in the bag. About the mile mark I settled in a bit and dropped my pace from a 7 minute mile to 6:40. I finished the second run with a 6:51 average.
Total time = 53:03 (only 3 seconds faster than last year)
I got the overall win and a trophy. But most importantly, I had lots of fun, met one of my goals and got to see some friends I haven't seen in a while - the Wimmers and Steve Knox. Everyone did really well. The Wimmers took tons of time of last year's time and Steve took a couple of minutes of his time as well. Jenny got a third place age group medal and Steve got a second. A good day for all.
I'm looking forward to next year already. Maybe it won't be so windy. [be careful what you wish for - I wanted wind so the bike would be tough...I didn't want 25 mph winds though]
On my ride to work this morning, I stood up to sprint across Raymond Ave to catch a co-worker and the next thing I knew I was laying in the middle of the road trying to figure out what happened. I remembered my foot hitting the ground, so I thought I broke a pedal. Maybe a cleat. Possibly the crank, but that didn't seem likely.
As I picked myself up and got out of the way of traffic, I noticed my chain had snapped. What kills me is that I knew I needed a new chain and I almost ordered one last Thursday so I would've had it Friday. But I put it off.
As I walked my bike the rest of the way to work, a cyclist slowed down to say, "that sucks."
This was on my desk when I got back from my lunch run. The note is hard to read, but it says "Canadians LOL"
Everyone is always laughing at those crazy Canadians....
I had a great tempo run today, which was encouraging because I haven't had the best training cycle this month. With my hamstring injury and trip to CT I've missed quite a few workouts. But today was my best tempo run ever so I guess I haven't lost my speed.
It's bike to work month. That means triple commuter points so this year I'm working on earning a free Garmin Forerunner 310XT.
For those unfamiliar, it's just like the Garmin I run with except it has a 20 hour battery life and it's waterproof. It's perfect for triathlons.
I'll miss triple commuter points. Whether I make the move or not, this is my last bike to work month at Pacific. It's a little sad really, because I've enjoyed working at PCI.